Počítačová akademie STEP! Učíme od roku 1999. Vysoce kvalitní IT vzdělávání pro dospělé a děti. Připravujeme programátory, konstruktéry a systémové inženýry, kteří nemohou být nahrazeni umělou inteligencí. Kromě toho se navíc k hlubokým základním znalostem učíme chápat úkolům, uvažovat s připravenými projekty a pracovat v týmu.

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Proč jsme ta správná volba

Počítačová Akademie IT STEP je lídr v oblasti IT vzdělávání již od roku 1999. Naše akademie je největší mezinárodní vzdělávací středisko, které se zaměřuje na IT výuku dospělých i dětí.

V průběhu výuky se zaměřujeme především na praktické dovednosti. Náš program nabízí relevantní a žádané znalosti z oboru IT a je pravidelně aktualizován dle požadavků trhu.

V čem spočívá tajemnství úspěchu

Často se nás ptají, jak se nám podařilo stát se lídrem na trhu v tak odlišných státech jako je Amerika, Švýcarsko, Brazílie, Mexiko, Ukrajina, Rumunsko, Bulharsko.

Opravdu v tom žádné záhady nejsou. Víme, že kvalitní IT vzdělávání je postaveno na 3 základních pilířích: odborní lektoři, aktuální studijní materiály a praktický formát výuky.

Vyšší IT vzdělání

Univerzita IT STEP je první akreditováné vzdělávací středisko s plným zaměřením pouze na IT vzdělávání. Naši studenti se učí počítačovou grafiku a design, programování sítí a kybernetickou bezpečnost.

Výuka je vedena praktickým formátem a studenti pracují na reálných projektech, které prezentujeme našim partnerům.

V druhém ročníku se mohou naši studenti zúčastnit praxí v mezinárodních IT firmách: Epam, Eleks, Softserve, Nix Solution, Sigma.


univerzity na Ukrajině

95 tisíc

studentů se u nás vzdělává

Základní vzdělávání

IT STEP School – škola budoucnosti už je ZDE! V našich školách kladame velký důraz na integraci vzdělávání s technologiemi. Kromě standardní výuky získají děti potřebné znalosti v IT a rozvinou své soft-skills.

Naši studenti mají rádi i domácí úkoly, jelikož výuka je vedena interaktivním a motivujícím způsobem.

Upřednostňujeme individuální přistup ke vzdělávacímu procesu. Naší lektoři jsou zapálení do svého oboru, tudíž dokážou své studenty podporovat a motivovat.


školy ve městech po celé Ukrajině

95 tisíc

studentů se u nás vzdělává

Online škola

Unicorn World Virtual School je distanční škola, kterou vytvořili naši odborníci ze IT STEP.

Hlavním rozdílem mezi Unicorn School a mnoha dalšími online školami je její unikátní přístup. Praktikujeme přístup škola hrou. Jakákoli lekce probíhá formou počítačové hry s postavami a zajímavými úkoly. Během výuky získávají děti nové superschopnosti pro svojí herní postavu - čím lepší hodnocení, tím lepší superschopnosti.

Z praxe je známo, že výuka v této „hravé“ podobě umožňuje dětem se učit látku mnohem rychleji a snadněji.


škol ve městech po celé Ukrajině

95 tisíc

studentů se u nás vzdělává

Chcete-li se dozvědět více

Naše Úspěchy

Naši studenti se umisťují na prvních místech v mezinárodních IT soutěžích

Naši studenti vyhráli prestižní IT šampionát - Microsoft Imagine Cup, kterého se zúčastnilo 400 000 lidí ze 106 zemí.

Organizace mezinárodní soutěže IT "Golden Byte"

V roce 2017 naše akademie zorganizovala mezinárodní IT šampionát „Golden Byte“ s finančním fondem 2 500 000 korun. Hlavními cíli šampionátu je povzbudit mladé profesionály k rozvoji svých inovací a podnikatelských nápadů.

Naše pobočka v Kambodži získala ocenění v oblasti rozvoje IT vzdělávání.

STEP IT Kambodža získala prestižní mezinárodní ocenění EQUALS in TECH Award 2020 za organizaci prvního ženského programovacího klubu v Kambodži.

Podle OSN se Malá počítačová akademie zařadila mezi pěti nejlepších projektů.

Vzdělávací program Malá počítačová akademie byl zařazen mezi pět nejlepších projektů pro rozvoj dětského potenciálu v IT oboru podle UNESCO a ITU (International Telecommunication Union).

Naši partneři  

Pobočky STEP Computer Academy jsou autorizovaná vzdělávací centra společností Microsoft, Cisco a Autodesk. Naše kurzy vedou certifikovaní lektoři. Studenti mají možnost v průběhu studia získat certifikáty od Microsoftu.

Příběhy úspěšných absolventů

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Dmytro Dubrovny
CEO at rgssoft

90% of our employees are IT STEP graduates. We send those who did not study at the academy for advanced training. For example, our designer has recently completed a UI\UX course at IT STEP.

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Igor Sergienko
Middle frontend developer at Labk19

The Academy gave me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge in areas that I lacked at university. It gave me the opportunity to work with a team of people united by one goal, to feel like a web developer and to understand what potential challenges await me in the future. Most importantly, I made friends and even managed to find a girlfriend 🙂.

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Dmytro Otrishko
Software developer at FIVE-BN GAMES

IT STEP Academy gave me a boost in IT. As a teenager, I wasn't interested in this field at all, and it was my mother who sent me to the Academy. I enjoyed my studies so much that I wanted to develop in this field later in life.

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Daria Khramtsova
Director in own design studio

At the time, I was studying at the Poplavsky Institute, Faculty of Design, so I came to the Academy for 3D Max. Thanks to my teachers, I succeeded.

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Bohdan Shtelmakh
Full-Stack Web-Developer at be.a.super.human - web development

The year of graduation was 2020, I won't tell you the exact name, but the profile was general, I managed to gain knowledge of both hardware and programming languages. Having such an opportunity, it was much easier to choose which area was more satisfying and start building a solid "foundation" before the end of the course. Having said that, IT STEP and its teachers provided very good basic knowledge that can be immediately converted into useful and high-quality experience.

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Maxim Berehovyi
UI/UX designer at Taco Eaters Games

IT STEP Academy played an important role in my professional development. Most of the knowledge I gained turned out to be really useful, and I am grateful that I chose this academy to study at the time.

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Vitaliy Solodkyy
Junior Full-Stack Developer at Platinumlist.net

IT STEP Academy has become a real start in my career. It helped me to structure my knowledge and supplement it with new skills, which allowed me to confidently step forward in the development world. I am especially grateful to the teachers for their approach - they focused on practical examples and real-life tasks, which allowed me to use the knowledge gained at work as efficiently as possible.

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Dmytro Zalutskyi

IT STEP Academy has become a real mentor for me in the IT world. It gave me the opportunity to get acquainted with various aspects of the IT sphere, to understand which areas are closest to me. I gained basic programming knowledge, learned how to work in a team and develop my projects. It was at IT STEP that I found my specialization, which became the starting point for my further professional growth.

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Olha Zolotaryova
Product Owner / Business Analyst at Kopentech

IT STEP Academy played an important role in my life by providing me with the necessary skills for a successful career in IT. It helped me develop both professionally and financially.

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Elyzaveta Tkachenko

IT STEP Academy became my starting point in the profession. I gained not only the necessary skills but also self-confidence. The knowledge I gained at the Academy was absorbed naturally, making it easier for me to adapt to new tools and methods in my work. This contrasts with other courses I took later, where learning was less organic.

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Stefan Samokhval
Middle+ Fullstack Developer at FiveG

IT STEP Academy was my guide to the world of IT. It was here that I decided on the direction I like.

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Yaroslav Andreychuk
SysOps Site Reliability Engineering Team in an international IT-Enterprise company

IT STEP Academy became a springboard into the IT world for me. Not only did it provide me with the technical basis, but it also helped me determine my professional path. Thanks to the Academy, I have gained confidence in my abilities and an understanding that every challenge is a new opportunity. Studying here was a real impetus for my professional development, and I am grateful to the teachers for the experience and knowledge they passed on.

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Pavlo Chernyavsky
Middle Developer at Luxoft

The Academy played a key role in my life. It pushed me, guided me, motivated me to study hard and learn more. As a result, absolutely everything came in handy.

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Konstantin Zgirovsky
Software Engineer at Snap Inc.

What sets IT Step apart is that there are no unnecessary subjects that distract your attention. You can focus on what you are really interested in.

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Anton Purin
Technical Lead at Twilio Inc.

I have always liked programming, but it was the Academy that gave me the opportunity to see the big picture and provided me with a set of necessary skills in all major areas.

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Oleksandr Loshkarev
Senior Software Developer at Intact Software

Studying at the Academy allowed me to acquire a competitive profession that is highly valued in the global market. Now I live and work in Ireland, in the city of Dundalk.

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Oleksandr Vinokurov

Thanks to the Academy, I was able to try myself in different areas of IT and choose what I really liked, namely design. I want to express my gratitude to all the teachers who made the training bright, interesting and unforgettable.

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Ihor Bashnyak
Software Engineer at Global Logic

I learned C++ from scratch and today I earn my living professionally with it.

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Oleksiy Hrebennyk
Founder of Shiftreset

Studying at the Academy was a turning point in my life. Here I gained knowledge and met future partners with whom I built a successful business.

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Dmytro Buravchenko
Level designer, 3D artist, Animator at SubShade

During my diploma defense at the Academy, I was noticed by HR and immediately offered a job. A week and a half later, I got a job in a company where I have been involved in 2 large-scale projects for 4 years.

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Serhiy Zorya
CEO of RightBusiness

One of the most important things the Academy taught me was to understand the full picture of project development. Every student can create something new, present a product and get feedback.

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Yatsenko Yevhen
Project manager at PINGUIN-STUDIO

We had a good teacher who supported and motivated us. I also discovered the niche of IT management and began to move in this direction - I became a project manager.

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Dmytro Starodub
Back-end PHP Developer at K-3 Soft

The Academy was a starting point and a clear realization that I was moving in the right direction. I gained good knowledge of programming and the basics of program design, which allowed me to choose my own development technology later.

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Andriy Babayev
Systems administrator at TRIADA Corporation

The Academy provided a good knowledge base on the Cisco program. I could easily speak in technical language with third-party foreign organizations on the topic of project implementation.

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Kateryna Filenko
Project Manager at Solution Agency, partner of Adobe Inc.

I would advise you to try different areas of IT and decide what you like best, so that you can work for pleasure. Don't be afraid to try and join big companies!

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Oleksii Herasymov
Technical Team Lead/Solution Architect at Provectus

The Academy gave me an understanding of modern software development and programming in general. After that, it didn't matter to me what language I was coding in.

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Yevhen Pavliuk

The Academy gave me the necessary basic knowledge in various fields. It was a good start to start executing real orders and self-study.

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Volodymyr Lunov
Senior Software Engineer, Team Lead at EDETEK

At the Academy, I was able to structure my knowledge of C++, here I learned dozens of technologies and could immediately use the knowledge gained in projects.

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Vladislav Korenkov
Chama The App, Amsterdam

Studying at the Academy determined my choice of profession. In the process of studying I was very enthusiastic and realized that I want to be a programmer.

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Oleksandr Mamvrosenko
Senior Technician, Technical Support for Hardware and Software at Dell s.r.o.
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Bezverkhniy Roman
Full Stack Developer at Ciklum

Studying at the Academy differs from studying at other educational institutions by combining theoretical and practical classes. In conventional educational institutions, teaching is divided between theory and practice, which is much worse absorbed by students.

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Danylo Borshchansky
Lead Senior Automation Engineer at Intellias

Studying at the Academy exceeded all my expectations in the presentation of the material, in the approach to learning and setting tasks.

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Oleksiy Tsvetnov
Systems Engineer at IBM, Munich, Germany

Studying at the IT Step Academy played a key role in my life, as I was able to supplement my higher education with the knowledge I lacked - computer networks and Linux administration, which determined my future professional career.

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Tymofii Lavreniuk
Research and Development Engineer at KeepSolid

Compared to other educational institutions, the IT Step Computer Academy has the most up-to-date training program. Teachers are practitioners with extensive experience.

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Iana Kushchenko
Bento Box Entertainment, Los Angeles

When I entered the University of California, I had my studies shortened by a year and a half because I had already studied many subjects at the IT STEP COMPUTER Academy as Professional Course. This was a decisive factor for me when I entered the Academy, and I am glad that my intuition did not let me down. I consider it a huge plus and an indicator that IT Step provides high-level education.

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Ihor Onkin
3D Artist at Wargaming.net

I have the opportunity to be free and do what I love because I once decided to join IT Step.

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Vladyslav Shirobokov
Senior VFX, Motion and Video designer, 2D/3D Animation at Huuuge Games

With the support of my teachers and the director of the branch, I became a finalist in the ImagineCup 2011 competition from Microsoft, which took place in New York, in the DIGITAL MEDIA category.

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Dmytro Horodnytskyi

The Academy taught us not to give up. Not all projects were successful, not all competitions brought victories. But each participation gave new experience, and often life lessons.

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Anatoly Kaverin
Software Development Engineer at Amazon, AWS, Vancouver

The Academy gave me a good application base, which allowed me to successfully pass the interview and later implement my own project.

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Taylor Krut
Product Designer at Facebook, based in Seattle

This is exactly what the Academy helps with, it provides an opportunity to try something new, to gain the necessary knowledge, and at the same time, studying at the Academy can be combined with university or work.

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Eduard Khudaiberdin
Software Development Engineer II at Amazon, Austin, USA

I have been working at Amazon for a year and a half now and live in Austin, Texas, USA. Before that, I worked for two years in Canada, in Vancouver, for the same company, but on a different project. I don't even know what I would be doing now if I hadn't gone to the Academy many years ago.

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