STEP Kompyuter Akademiyasi! Biz 1999 yildan beri o'rganamiz. Kattalar va bolalar uchun yuqori sifatli kompyuter ta'limi. Biz sun'iy intellekt bilan almashtirib bo'lmaydigan dasturchilar, dizaynerlar va tizim muhandislarini tayyorlaymiz. Chuqur bilimlardan tashqari, vazifalarni tushunish, tayyor loyihalar bilan fikr yuritish va jamoada ishlashni o'rgatamiz.

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Konstantin Zgirovsky

Software Engineer at Snap Inc.:

Yo'nalish bitiruvchisi:

Dasturiy ta'minotni ishlab chiqish

What company do you work for?

Snap Inc. as a Software Engineer. Now I live and work in Los Angeles after Snapchat bought our startup Looksery.

Why did you decide to study at ITSTEP Academy?

It all started when I was playing a browser-based online game that I got bored with pretty quickly. I met a friend with whom we decided to make various services for this game and eventually it all turned into a hobby - I started doing web development. Later, I wanted to structure my knowledge, but since I was already studying at college in another specialty, I decided to go to study at the IT Step Computer Academy in the evening.

What role did the Academy play in your life?

What sets IT Step apart is that there are no unnecessary subjects that distract your attention. You can focus on what you are really interested in.