STEP Kompyuter Akademiyasi! Biz 1999 yildan beri o'rganamiz. Kattalar va bolalar uchun yuqori sifatli kompyuter ta'limi. Biz sun'iy intellekt bilan almashtirib bo'lmaydigan dasturchilar, dizaynerlar va tizim muhandislarini tayyorlaymiz. Chuqur bilimlardan tashqari, vazifalarni tushunish, tayyor loyihalar bilan fikr yuritish va jamoada ishlashni o'rgatamiz.

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Ihor Onkin

3D Artist at

Yo'nalish bitiruvchisi:

Kompyuter grafikasi va dizayn

I work as a designer in a large international company, we create some of the best games.

I have the opportunity to be free, to do what I love, because once I decided to go to IT Step.

A teacher at IT Step is more of a mentor, a friend, and a person with whom it is interesting to talk outside of class.

The academy showed me the path I'm on now.