STEP IT Academy | Učíme od roku 1999. Vysoko kvalitné IT vzdelávanie pre dospelých a deti. Pripravujeme programátorov, dizajnérov a systémových inžinierov, ktorých nebude možné nahradiť umelou inteligenciou. Na ceste k dosiahnutiu tohto cieľa študentov učíme ako pochopiť úlohy, realizovať projekty a pracovať v tíme. To všetko naviac k vedomostiam, ktoré tvoria jadro daného kurzu.

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Oleksiy Hrebennyk

Founder of Shiftreset:

Vyštudoval na:

Počítačová grafika a dizajn

What company do you work for now?

I am the founder of Shiftreset.
When I was still studying at the Academy, my group and I organized our own Web studio, which is successfully operating on the market to this day.
We are engaged in the development and promotion of e-commerce projects.

Tell us about the most challenging and brightest project you are proud of.

This is the project I worked on for 2 years and sold it to my partner - OkayCMS. It was an engine for online stores. The project received investments and further development -

What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?

Studying at the Academy is a turning point in my life. Here I gained knowledge and met future partners with whom I built a successful business.

What advice can you give to students who are currently studying at the Academy?

If you choose the direction of WEB design, I would advise you to form a portrait of your customer and work in a narrow specialization. For example, online stores for the corporate segment, interface development, or website development.