STEP IT Academy | Učíme od roku 1999. Vysoko kvalitné IT vzdelávanie pre dospelých a deti. Pripravujeme programátorov, dizajnérov a systémových inžinierov, ktorých nebude možné nahradiť umelou inteligenciou. Na ceste k dosiahnutiu tohto cieľa študentov učíme ako pochopiť úlohy, realizovať projekty a pracovať v tíme. To všetko naviac k vedomostiam, ktoré tvoria jadro daného kurzu.

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Prosíme, použite Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera

Oleksandr Mamvrosenko

Senior Technician, Technical Support for Hardware and Software at Dell s.r.o.:

Vyštudoval na:

Siete a kybernetická bezpečnosť

What company do you work for now?

Dell, Slovakia.

What is your current position?

Senior Technician, Technical Support for Hardware and Software.

What tasks do you perform?

Technical support of hardware and software for clients' office and gaming computers.

What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?

The knowledge I gained at IT STEP helped me pass the technical certification exams of the US Information Technology Association, Computing Technology Industry Association, CompTIA, and pass an interview at Dell.

What advice can you give to students who are currently studying at the Academy?

Knowledge of foreign languages gives significant advantages.
I wish students patience and success!