STEP IT Academy | Učíme od roku 1999. Vysoko kvalitné IT vzdelávanie pre dospelých a deti. Pripravujeme programátorov, dizajnérov a systémových inžinierov, ktorých nebude možné nahradiť umelou inteligenciou. Na ceste k dosiahnutiu tohto cieľa študentov učíme ako pochopiť úlohy, realizovať projekty a pracovať v tíme. To všetko naviac k vedomostiam, ktoré tvoria jadro daného kurzu.

Váš prehliadač Internet Explorer je zastaraný!

Prosíme, použite Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera

Kateryna Filenko

Project Manager at Solution Agency, partner of Adobe Inc.:

Vyštudoval na:

Počítačová grafika a dizajn

What are your responsibilities?

I do front-end development and also act as a project manager.

What projects have you been involved in?

Name the most challenging and interesting project you are proud of.

Each project taught me new skills and was interesting. I started as a content manager, then became a developer and project manager.

What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?

I was able to change my profession to a more interesting and highly paid one.

What advice can you give to students currently studying at the Academy?

Now the IT market has become even wider, everyone knows that it's cool here, but they often come without understanding what they really want. I would advise you to try different areas of IT (there are plenty to choose from now) and decide what you like best, so that you can work for pleasure. Don't be afraid to try and join big companies!