STEP IT Academy | Učíme od roku 1999. Vysoko kvalitné IT vzdelávanie pre dospelých a deti. Pripravujeme programátorov, dizajnérov a systémových inžinierov, ktorých nebude možné nahradiť umelou inteligenciou. Na ceste k dosiahnutiu tohto cieľa študentov učíme ako pochopiť úlohy, realizovať projekty a pracovať v tíme. To všetko naviac k vedomostiam, ktoré tvoria jadro daného kurzu.

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Dmytro Dubrovny

CEO at rgssoft:

Vyštudoval na:

Siete a kybernetická bezpečnosť

What specialty did you study at the Academy? What year did you graduate?

 In 2017, I graduated with a degree in cybersecurity and also took basic programming classes there. 

What company do you work for now? What position do you hold? What tasks do you perform?
I am the head of a digital agency in Mykolaiv and a web studio called rgssoft. I founded it in 2018. Initially, it was only website development, and now we range from website development, software development, and internet marketing. We can take a business on a turnkey basis, build a website for it, and bring it to a high level of recognition on social media.   

What projects have you participated in? Is there a link to the project website? 
We have worked with companies such as Škoda, Toyota, Carid, Royal Caribbean, and many others. 

What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?
An important one, when I went to work on a cruise ship I needed to get a certificate from Cisco. The only accredited academy in Mykolaiv that issues this certificate is IT STEP. 

I am sure that our students will be inspired by your success and it will give them additional motivation. What advice can you give them? 
 90% of our employees are IT STEP graduates. We send those who have not studied at the academy for advanced training. For example, our designer has recently completed a UI\UX course at IT STEP.
They really graduate qualified specialists who can be put to work.