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Daria Khodakivska


Vyštudoval na:

Počítačová grafika a dizajn

What specialty did you study at the Academy? What year did you graduate?

I studied to be a graphic designer

 What company(s) do you work for now?

I am currently working with the companies KhRASS (a project to protect and support victims of sexual violence) and EMA Smart - I made their identity for the new brand PrognoStack, a project that collects and forecasts statistics for local governments and businesses.

 What is your current position(s)?

 I work in projects as a graphic designer.

 What tasks do you perform?

First of all, it is corporate identity. Next, I prepare presentations, develop layouts for the web, graphics for social media, design printed materials - all within the framework of the identity that I develop or that the brand provides.

 What was your most memorable project that you are proud of?

 It's hard to say, I've never singled it out for myself. Often there were projects that were invisible from the outside, but which, in the future, I would like to tell my grandchildren about.

 Probably the biggest one is the launch of a website for XPASS based on my design:

 One of the most memorable was filming my time at Axxos Hotels. No equipment, but with a soul.

 What projects have you participated in?

In terms of design, in addition to those I have already mentioned: OneSun (a supplier of components for solar panels), Carl's Women (a charity project dedicated to the integration of foreigners into the society of Karlovy Vary), Force Energy (alternative energy sources for business).

But from the point of view of a multitalented person, I should mention the Axxos Hotels hotel chain. I started there as a junior designer, then as an in-house marketing director. There, I have done the most diverse work: from ordering sugar stamps with QR codes to introducing uniforms to the chain. And of course, a lot of design materials.

All this is already available on LinkedIn