STEP IT Academy | Učíme od roku 1999. Vysoko kvalitné IT vzdelávanie pre dospelých a deti. Pripravujeme programátorov, dizajnérov a systémových inžinierov, ktorých nebude možné nahradiť umelou inteligenciou. Na ceste k dosiahnutiu tohto cieľa študentov učíme ako pochopiť úlohy, realizovať projekty a pracovať v tíme. To všetko naviac k vedomostiam, ktoré tvoria jadro daného kurzu.

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Bezverkhniy Roman

Full Stack Developer at Ciklum: Software Development

Vyštudoval na:

Vývoj softvéru

Why did you choose the profession of a programmer?

Since childhood I wanted to create games, and I was always interested in how a computer works. When I came to the Academy, I faced a nessesity of choice - to become an administrator or a developer, but after the first semester of my Professional Course I chose the field of Software Development.


Why did you choose IT Step Computer Academy?

Studying at the Academy differs from studying at other educational institutions by combining theoretical and practical classes. In conventional educational institutions, teaching is divided between theory and practice, which is much worse absorbed by students.