STEP IT Academy! Studiem din 1999. Educație computerizată de înaltă calitate pentru adulți și copii. Pregătim programatori, designeri și ingineri de rețea pentru o viitoare carieră în IT. Vă ajutăm să deprindeți abilități ce nu pot fi înlocuite de inteligența artificială. Pe lângă cunoștințele de profil, vă învățăm să elaborați proiecte reale, să rezolvați task-uri actuale lucrând în echipă dar și individual.

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Olha Zolotaryova

Product Owner / Business Analyst at Kopentech:

Absolvent la specializarea:

Dezvoltare software

What specialty did you study at the Academy? What year did you graduate?

Software development, 2020. It wasn't easy, but it was interesting and rewarding to see it through.

What company do you work for now?

I have been working at Kopentech, an American fintech company, for more than three years. This work gives me great pleasure, because my first degree is in finance, and thanks to this, I effectively combine my financial background with new skills acquired in the IT field.

What is your position?

My position is Product Owner / Business Analyst.

What tasks do you perform?



In my role, I manage the task list and product development plan, support Agile and Scrum processes, manage design and improve UX/UI, test the product before release and ensure its smooth operation. I also analyze the market and competitors, which allows our company to stay on the cutting edge.

What's the most memorable project you've ever had that you're proud of?

Our company helps large investors to simplify and automate their trading, refinancing, and investment operations. I am involved in most of the projects we implement, and each of them simplifies the work of our clients, creating positive changes in the industry. This is extremely exciting and inspires me to keep working and developing.

What projects have you been involved in? Is there a link to the project website, portfolio, or LinkedIn page?



I am involved in most projects where we create trading solutions that greatly simplify the work of our clients and create a positive impact on the entire industry.

What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?

IT STEP Academy played an important role in my life by providing me with the necessary skills for a successful career in IT. It helped me develop both professionally and financially.

I am sure that our students will be inspired by your success and this will give them additional motivation. What advice do you have for them?

My main advice to students is to immediately realize that most of your time should be spent on independent work and deepening your knowledge in the chosen field. It is also important to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that you will need to constantly learn in this field. IT is one of the most progressive industries, and in order to stay in place, you need to constantly move forward, as if you were running twice as fast in a mirror.

This path was not always easy, but it was worth it. I believe that my achievements can inspire you to new achievements and add motivation to keep moving towards your goals.