STEP IT IT Step | We have been teaching since 1999. High-quality IT-education for adults and children. We prepare programmers, designers and system engineers who cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. In order to achieve this, we teach how to understand tasks, run projects and work in a team, in addition to core knowledge.

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Igor Sergienko

Middle frontend developer at Labk19:

Graduated from:

Software programming

What specialty did you study at the Academy? What year did you graduate?

I studied at Fronted in 2020-2021 🙂, 

What company do you work for now?

- Middle frontend developer at Labk19 IT company in Germany (remote)

- Strong Middle, Team manager, Full stack Web developer in Team company in Ukraine

- Member of the Saudi Arabia SaaS startup 

What is your position?

See point 2

What tasks do you perform?

Code-review, team management of 5+ members, implementation of business logic of web applications and systems on Frontend and Backend, setting up service integrations, hosting, implementation of CI/CD scripts, middle Dev-Ops, setting up web service analytics, connecting payments. Working with the team, mentoring, conducting technical interviews, sometimes making coffee for myself 🙂.

What was the most striking project you had that you are proud of?
There are several products I've worked with recently, here are the links: - a web-based sports management application - a web application for managing and supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the United States

Helptapp - an application for managing the safety and health of certain social groups (under NDA)

WAYUT - an application for managing festive events (under NDA)

There are others, but also under private contracts


What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?

The Academy gave me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge in areas that I lacked at the university. It gave me the opportunity to work with a team of people united by the same goal, to feel like a web developer and to understand what potential challenges await me in the future. Most importantly, I made friends, and even managed to find a girlfriend 🙂.

I am sure that our students will be inspired by your success and it will give them additional motivation. What advice can you give them?

In today's competitive IT industry, it is very important to present yourself and your classes in the right way. To be relevant to a modern company, a developer needs to know more than a couple of years ago. I would advise you to take this trend into account and pay special attention to learning and self-realization. 

Also, you can't always get inspiration only from victories 🙂.

Mistakes are a good teacher, you need to be able to find time to analyze them properly. It is the number of mistakes made in the past and the conclusions drawn from these mistakes that distinguish a beginner from an experienced developer 🙂Â