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Serhiy Yakubyshyn

.NET Developer at ISD:

Диссертация түлегі:

Бағдарламалық қамтамасыз етуді әзірлеу

What specialty did you study at the Academy? What year did you graduate?

Software development. 2021

What company do you work for now? What is your current position?

I am currently working at ISD as a .NET Developer. This is a company that originates from the United States and provides services to medical laboratories. The main areas of work are very interesting, but also very important - the development of information systems for blood services (capable of simplifying many routine, manual and time-consuming tasks related to the blood bank and donation protocols), information systems for genetic information management (for diagnosing pathologies and immunogenetics, cytogenetics, biochemistry) and the development of information systems for optimizing the work of laboratories.

What tasks do you perform?

I work on supporting the company's existing projects and creating new applications for our clients.

What was the most exciting/interesting/complicated project you had that you are proud of?

Every project I work on or have worked on deserves a separate conversation and story. Given the direction of work, there's no need to be bored) 

What projects did you participate in? Do you have a link to the project website/portfolio?

I would really like to share the projects I've participated in, but unfortunately, due to the NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement), I can't share any details.

What role did ITSTEP Academy play in your life?

IT STEP Academy has played a key and enormous role. It was here that I got all the skills I needed to become a successful programmer. It was here that I chose the programming language in which I wanted to develop further. And it is here that a team of professionals who know how to explain and convey the material in such a way that you always understand everything. Thanks to IT STEP Academy for changing my life;)

What advice can you give to the students of the Academy?

Study hard, because this is the future. Be persistent because it always brings results. Work on yourself because it will make your life easier. Do not get upset when something doesn't work out, because it is an experience that will ultimately benefit you. And to dream, because dreams do come true.