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Lasha Kakashvili

CTO at 500ml:

İstiqamət üzrə məzun:

Proqram təminatının inkişafı

Lasha, tell us your field of specialization during your time at ITSTEP Academy and the year of your graduation?

At IT Academy STEP, I studied web development and completed my studies in 2023. This program helped me discover my passion, which later evolved into my profession, and continues to shape my career.

Where are you working currently and what is your role there? What are your main responsibilities?

Currently, I work in my own company - "500ml", where I hold the position of CTO. 

My duties include:

• Choosing the right technologies for the project

• Recruitment of the team and distribution to projects

• Communication with clients

• Analyzing the client's idea and requirements, making adjustments if necessary

• Preparation of the appropriate environment for digitization of the idea

• Active communication with the development team

• Understanding project specifics.

In addition to the above, I also give programming lectures at IT Academy STEP, which gives me the oppurtunity for continuous development. Moreover, sharing my knowledge gives me great pleasure.

Which project are you most proud of?

My first project holds a special place in my heart, as the beginning of my career. Despite its challenges and mistakes, it provided invaluable experience and helped me to grow in this industry.

What was the role of ITSTEP Academy in your life?

IT Academy STEP was a turning point in my life; everything started from here. It provided not only knowledge but gave me an oppurtunity to meet people who had the same interests as me. This is crucial for career development, and academy made a great contibution to mine. 

What advice would you give to current students at ITSTEP Academy?

My advice to current students is to embrace new challenges fearlessly. Whether familiar with technology or not, determination is key to mastering your chosen profession.